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IPL PhotoFacial 
The future of skin treatments is here with the

Stellar M22â„¢ from Lumenis

Ladies & Men! Are you tired of looking in the mirror and seeing the signs of sun damage on your skin? Have you spent years in the sun, playing golf, boating, or enjoying the 19th hole.
If so, it's time to start reversing the damage! Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) can help alleviate the symptoms of sun damage and restore your skin to its natural beauty.
At Chilled to Perfection, we offer customized IPL laser treatments that can effectively treat redness, pimples, uneven skin tones, and dark spots. Our treatments can undo some of the visible damage caused by sun exposure, and can be used on all skin types, ages, and genders.
Don't let sun damage keep you from feeling confident in your own skin - try IPL today and start seeing the results!
We also have several other options for sun damage on the face, arms, legs, hands, scalp, ears, neck, and chest. So don't wait any longer - let us help you take your skin back to its younger, healthier days!

Who is a good Candidate for IPL?

  • Irregular coloring or pigmentation of the skin

  • Permanent stretching (dilation) of small blood vessels, giving skin a mottled, reddish appearance

  • Flat spots of increased pigmentation, usually brown, black or gray, known as liver spots

  • Melasma, which is a brown darkening of facial skin

  • Shallow acne scars or large pores

  • Fine lines and wrinkles caused by aging

  • Irregular pigmentation caused by sun damage, aging or medication

  • Brown spots or facial redness

  • Broken capillaries and spider veins


Who’s not a good candidate for IPL? 

  • People with darker skin tones

  •  tanned skin

  • people with deep wrinkles,

  • scars

  • severe or active acne.

Laser Hair Removal for legs

Laser Hair Removal

Say goodbye to the hassle of daily shaving and expensive waxing! Chilled to Perfection is here to help you get silky smooth skin just in time for summer with our fast and affordable laser hair removal. No more cuts, nicks, burns, or in-grown hairs - just chill and let us take care of it. Plus, Monday's and Tuesday's are now starting at just $29.00! Call now to get scheduled and start enjoying your smooth skin today! 

Before and After IPL Facial Treatment

Broken Capillaries & Unsightly Veins Treatments

Broken blood vessels are enlarged or dilated blood vessels beneath the skin's surface, appearing as pink or blue spidery lines usually on the legs,nose, cheeks, legs, and face. Often called "spider veins".

Broken blood vessels can occur virtually anywhere on the body and most commonly are caused by aging, genetics, hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy.

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